About us

About us

About THT Polička company - history and present

THT Polička, s.r.o. is a manufacturer of fire trucks, vehicles and containers for technical interventions, liquidation of ecological accidents and special vehicles according to customer requirements. The history of the company dates back to the 19th century, when the company Stratílek was founded in Vysoké Mýt - production of fire sprinklers and fire accessories. Modern history begins in 1992, when the company Továrna hasicí techniky, s.r.o. was founded. Shelf. In 2014, the name was changed to today's THT Polička, s.r.o.


The THT production plant is located on the edge of Polička by the road towards Hlinsko. The entrance to the complex is from Střítežská Street.

GPS coordinates:
49° 43´ 1,4″ N
16° 15´ 24,1″ E

Phone Nr.: +420 461 755 111

E-mail: tht@tht.cz

Website: www.tht.cz


Integrated management system

The company has an established and constantly improved quality management system in accordance with:
  • all requirements of the standard (since 2000), ISO 14001 (since 2021). The certification is carried out by the company BUREAU VERITAS CZECH REPUBLIC, spol. s r.o.
  • requirements of the Czech Defence Standard (since 2006). The certification is carried out by Úř OSK SOJ (Defence standardisation, codification and state quality assurance authority). This standard was implemented in response to requirements of our customer – the Army of the Czech Republic, and it extends the quality management system to meet the requirements for the State Quality Assurance (SOJ) support.

The company management has set a Quality Policy and reviews it regularly.

THT Polička s.r.o.

THT Polička
THT Polička, s.r.o. - manufacturer of fire trucks, vehicles and containers for technical interventions, and firefighting accessories.

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